Make a Donation

Help Make a Difference

Your donation is tax-deductible as we are a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Please ensure your contact information is accurate and up-to-date, so you can receive a tax-receipt for your charitable contributions or donations-in-kind.

Although Healing Wings’s services are offered in Canada at the moment, and we primarily accept donations from Canadian residents, we are working with our lawyers and accountants to inquire about extending our reach to donors residing in the United States. If you do not reside in Canada, please stay tuned as we update our Donate page and Terms and Conditions to add an option for you to donate from the United States. We want to ensure you are able to receive a charitable tax receipt, but since we are only currently registered as a charity with the Canada Revenue Agency, we are not yet able to issue US tax receipts since we do not yet have 501(c)(3) status under the IRS guidelines for non-profit organizations in the United States.

Should you have any questions about your donation, please check out this link from the CRA which you can find many questions answered here.